Telecom Billing & CRM Solution

A National Farm and Herd Improvement system

Dairy farm management software

Export livestock with traceability

Supply Chain management system

An online tasks register

Health Care system

Student information system

Terminus Customer Card & Billings

Terminus Customer Card & Billings is a telecom billing and customer care system. It’s developed for next-generation telecom/utility applications. It covers Tier 1 to Tier 3 telecom operators, best fitted for fixed and mobile enterprises. This system is a single-platform framework that can be used for multiple business models. Our portfolio of billing products comprises of the following;

  • GSM/CDMA/Fixed Line Operators
  • Prepaid Calling Card Operators
  • SIP/NFL Services
  • Dialup Internet service
  • Broadband Cable & DSL services
  • Wi-Fi & WiMAX services
  • Cable & IP TV
  • Multimedia Messaging & Contents
  • Utility Operators (Electricity, Gas, Water etc.)

Retail, Corporate, Prepaid, Postpaid and Interconnect billing.

TerminusCCB is able to charge any kind of subscriber (consumer, corporate etc.) for any kind of service (voice, data, SMS, video, etc.) on any kind of network (GSM/CDMA, VOIP, PSTN) at any point in time.

Service Provisioning

Another benefit we provide is the auto-provisioning of services for customers. This is a critical feature in the Telecom industry along with credit management. This system enables customer locking and unlocking of services along with credit management. Euclid offers multiple criteria for products and packages integrated with the provision system module.

One Bill for all Services

One bill for all services (voice, data, video, SMS, content) and billing for fixed and rental services (installation, support, maintenance, equipment, security services, web hosting, collocation). Euclid also enables one bill for multiple accounts to allow big corporations to do the billing to their head offices.

Customer Care System

We have an integrated CRM with enhanced reseller management, customer/account management, credit control (invoices, payments, credit/debit notes), customer self-care module, leads and follow-ups, trouble tickets, inventory of equipment, and top-up cards.

Monitor Services

Euclid offer complete monitoring of usage of services, credit of customer through more than 70+ different reports and graphs.

Farm Builder

FarmBuilderTM captures and manages the Whole Farm System: Soils, Pastures, Livestock and Performance Benchmarking

The FarmBuilder system is scalable to capture the entire industry and cow population. At this point in time, the value of the data and process will become more obvious to the farmers, and a transition to farmer co-funding via levy is the medium-term goal. The steady-state goal is to create an industry appropriate system that provides fact-based evidence to drive localised productivity improvement. The long-term NZ experience is that between 2 to 4% productivity improvement can be achieved year on year, roughly half of this is management improvement, and the other half is from genetic gain resulting from evidence-based identification of high-performing cow families and bulls. The NZ system has diverged significantly from the US and European systems and genetics over the past 40 years to maximise the utilisation of its low-cost pasture.

Wide Range of Customers

The FarmBuilder liveware (NZ practitioners), software, and hardware solution have been developed to support developing dairy industries, primarily targeting the small to medium-sized producer segments, but also supporting the interface to larger farmers.

Primary Objective

The primary objective is to guide farmers to make their farms profitable by improving dairy genetics best fit for weather, maximising pasture energy utilisation, and reducing expenses.

Benchmark Farm Performance

The core purpose of the system is to benchmark farm performance, identify the top 25% of the industry, figure out why they are outperforming their peers, capture those best practices, then identify the elite animals in the upper quartile and develop and derive a local profitability index for cows, cow families and the future local bull team.



Avenz (Avenzoar) “a livestock management software” helps farmers to manage their dairy farms operations more effectively and proactively. Reproduction and health of animals is an important element for a dairy farm, Avenzoar works to make these tasks easier for farmers. It helps decision-makers to analyse information through a single click.This valuable business decision information helps improve profitability.

It is a web-based tool that saves the efforts of maintenance of system hardware and software at the farm. Avenze is accessible anywhere over any device through the internet. Its comprehensive dashboard and advanced reporting tool helps business managers to perform their operations.

Animal Tagging & Identifications

Animal identification is one of the key elements in herd management. Identification can be based on Ear Tag, Birth Id, RFID, International Id or animal name. It generates a 3 level pedigree based on the data in the system.


Failure to detect estrus (heat) is a major factor contributing to low fertility which contributes to financial losses for a farmer. Avenz tracks all upcoming heat events, mating, pregnancy testing, calving, dry off and animal vaccinations.

Expense & Inventory control

With real time monitoring of farm inventories like semens, vaccinations etc, a farm can control expenses. Maintain records for the expenses on feed, minerals, vaccinations, etc. This helps the farmer to control the budget.

Farm Production & Revenues

Monitoring farm production, revenues along with expenses are prime factors in making a farm profitable. This system helps to do real time monitoring of revenues from sales of livestock, milk and other farm products. Avenz can easily calculate and track profit/expenses for every animal.

Ibn Zuhr (1091 – 1166)

Also known as Avenzoar. Arab physician and surgeon, known for his influential book Al-Taisir Fil-Mudawat Wal-Tadbeer (Book of Simplification Concerning Therapeutics and Diet).

Spanish-Arab physician who took an observational and experimental approach to disease and wrote several books, including Practical Manual of Treatments and Diet.


Rhazes helps livestock exporters to manage export protocols. This system improves export process documentation required for certification from regulation authorities. It facilitates exporters to comply with Code of Practices (CoP) of General Live Animal Export and Pre-export Quarantine and Isolation.

Animals Identification & Health

Animal identification such as health tests, weights and other information can be loaded into the system with CSV and Excel files. Users can upload data through the web interface. It is fast and convenient for exporters who are gathering information from several different sources.

Compliance with Code of Practice

Some frequently used reports are animal identifications with source information, laboratory reports, FATE report, Tag Schedule Report, Assure Quality Report, Induction Report, Animal health status, Animals Weight Report, etc.

Track Shipment Progress

Rhazes tracks each shipment with the procured vs targeted number of animals. Our system follows the relative animals in each phase, inspection, health test, transport, isolation facility, shipped, to complete a shipment. Multiple shipments can be processed at a time.

Reports & Graphs

Rhazes can also generate multiple reports and graphs to monitor animal evaluation and health, as well as reports that track shipment and transport.

Abu Bakr Al-Razi (865 – 925)

Also known as Rhazes. Persian alchemist and philosopher, who was one of the greatest physicians in history.



Manage your procurement, inventory and sales process with Battani. It integrates all data and processes into a unified system. The software is an enterprise web based solution that saves time in record keeping, provides valuable business decision information and helps improve profitability. Our goal is to work with, to analyse, define, and deliver solutions specific to our clients’ business. These include;

  • End to End Integrated & Modular Solutions for Small, Medium and Large Enterprises
  • Web-based Solution. Compatible for use with handheld mobile devices
  • Executive Summaries and Graphs for Management
  • Knowledge-Based Expert Decisions

Account Payable & Procurement

Improved management of account payables and procurement process. Battani tracks orders to suppliers, their credits and debits, etc. Procurement is integrated with stock inventory.

Equipment and Service Sales

We provide effective management of account receivables and invoicing processes. Battani is also integrated with the inventory system


With our system you can monitor your inventory in real time. This means that location and availability of products is always at your fingertips.

Revenue and Expenses

Easy to monitor expenses and revenue of your business with multiple reports and graphs

Al-Battani (858 – 929)

Also known as Albatenius. Arab mathematician, scientists and astronomer who improved existing values for the length of the year and of the seasons.


It is a comprehensive package designed for both large and small scale health care organisations to help them manage interactions with patients. It comprises of all essential features required of any health administration systems such as all test reports, medicine record, account management. Avicenna’s user-friendly yet highly streamlined features make it the best choice for any health organisation.

Key Modules

  • Patients Management
  • Immunization Management
  • Appointments Management
  • Billing Management
  • Pharmacy Management
  • HR Management
  • Laboratories Management
  • Reports Management

Ibn Sina (980 – 1037)

Also known as Avicenna. Persian philosopher and scientist known for his contributions to Aristotelian philosophy and medicine.


Thabit is a comprehensive ERP solution for educational institutions. It provides world class services to clients with the aid of specifically designed modules. Thabit is designed to improve the way the educational institute is managed by the use of a fully automated electronic system. Management Solution has every possible feature required by an educational institution. Students, teachers, management, Trustees and parents can all use the system which integrates all departments. Office administration, timetable, examinations, student details, certification, reports and results generation, fee management, library management, canteen, payroll, accounts, inventory – the list is comprehensive.

Management Improvement

The system helps educators to manage, analyse and report extensive data, while saving time by eliminating repeated data entry. It is a complete solution for management of educational institutions, covering all the aspects of educational business, including administrative, accounting and key academic activities. It centralises all data and automates all functions.

Accessible Information

The key to the success of Thabit is the central data storage structure which helps the administrative staff to access student data in each and every module. Due to the central store of data, redundancy is removed and 100% correct data is available to the administrative staff at any time. It automates most of the day to day tasks and increases productivity and performance.

User Friendly GUI

  • User-friendly and No complications
  • Easy add and managing functionalities
  • Record maintaining of applications and successful registrations
  • Providing faster feedback results for programs and students

Key Modules;

  • Admission
  • Administration
  • Examination
  • Syllabus & Course
  • Credit Control
  • Library
  • Expense
  • HR & Payrole
  • Reporting

Thabit ibn Qurra (826 – 901)

Also known as Thebit. Arab mathematician, physician and astronomer; who was the first reformer of the Ptolemaic system and the founder of statics



An online task register designed especially for electronic workshops. It is a cloud-based task/job management software system that automates and tracks all processes from the initial quote to final invoicing. This system also has comprehensive reporting and a dashboard to control jobs with completion dates. Hazen is accessible on all devices through the internet.

Online Tasks Register

Keep track of all your jobs/tasks online through this managing software. Hazen is accessible through the internet at any time and at any place.

Communication with Customers

We provide real time communication with customers over email regarding tasks. This includes progress, any issues and other concerns.


Hazen generates multiple reports and graphs that monitor performance and business. This way you can see what has been done, what has been done well and how your business is doing.

Alhazen (c. 965 – c. 1040 AD)

Alhazen was a polymath; the author of 90 works on topics as diverse as optics, vision, number theory, geometry, theology, astronomy, poetry, healing, and metaphysics. Many of his works, including the highly influential Book of Optics, were authored while he feigned madness to escape the wrath of Cairo’s caliph.

Alhazen explained how the images formed in cameras are upside down, solved ‘Alhazen’s problem’ concerning the reflection of light from curved surfaces, and discovered a general method to find the sum of any integral power. He used this general method to discover the sum of fourth power positive integers and hence find the volume of a paraboloid..

We are working with

IVS Inspection
IVS Labs
Genetic Development NZ
Storm Fiber
Cyber Net
Dairy Solutionz
Thermo Regulatory Genetics
Kaipaki Dairies
Trade Window
Punjab University
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting

We Boost Our Clients’ Bottom Line by Optimising Their Growth Potential

Terminus Technologies aims to provide professional assistance in any and all types of software solutions including hardware, software, O&M or consultation for all its clients. We aim to achieve excellence in the services we provide throughout our regions of activity and to expand beyond.

We believe in building long-term partnerships

We are ready to assist you whether you need to fill in some gaps on your IT team, require assistance in an unfamiliar language, software, or need a fresh design.

We’ll assist you in bringing your idea to life

We have expertise in building reliable and scalable enterprise solutions that bring new value to your business.

We offer cost effective solutions

At a low cost, hire top programmers from around the world. With every customer we do our best to reach a price that makes everyone happy.

A reputable software development firm

We walk the extra mile to develop custom application that are well-planned, highly scalable, and secure.

“Terminus has been developing our herd management software, developing and maintaining our website for several years. Terminus has been sharp on cost, high on partnering, and happy to work with us to develop scope and understanding with rapid prototyping best suiting our needs. It took some time to take full advantage of the time difference between the NZ business team and the Pakistan development team, but we can now scope an appropriate scope/requirement and see the outcome the very next morning, allowing very rapid developed and deployment.”
Derek Fairweather

Chief Executive Officer

Your trusted development partner !

We consult, design and develop scalable software solutions that drive innovation and bring digital success.

“By considering ourselves as a boutique digital firm, we believe that each project is a significant step forward in our development and growth.”

CEO, Terminus Technologies Limited

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